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A technology professional sits at her computer

Ready To Step Up Your Professional Game?

As a motivated STEM professional, you love a challenge and a good problem to solve. But when it comes to figuring out how to advance your career, it seems like there are more problems than solutions. Maybe you want to…

  • Improve your people management skills so you can stop dreading conducting performance reviews.

  • Stop feeling overwhelmed by the lightening pace at which tech is evolving and have clarity on where to focus your career.

  • Be better at time management so you can stop feeling guilty about working in the evenings instead of being present with your family.

  • Cultivate an executive presence so the next time you present your ideas at a meeting, you know people are listening and taking you seriously.


You're not alone! Regardless of the topic you want to work on, in our Coaching Sprint we will take a laser focused approach solving the issue at hand.

Here's How It Works

A Coaching Sprint is a personalized and private coaching program created for motivated people in tech, like YOU, who love rising to a good challenge. Like an Agile development sprint, the Coaching Sprint consists of a fixed duration, specifically of four individual 50-minute sessions for a total cost of $575During these sessions we will:


Identify Your Goals

We start by setting some specific goals.  Then, we will clearly outline what you need to succeed. Maybe you’ve been feeling so overwhelmed that it feels like there’s never time or energy to focus on advancing your career. Or maybe you’d love to get to the next level but have no idea how to go about it. In this step, you will start to adopt a new mindset – one that recognizes opportunities, options, and solutions and is ready to make changes.


Determine A Plan of Attach

Next we’ll identify any specific skill gaps and action items and use them to develop a realistic go-forward plan. Maybe you want to refine your time management techniques to avoid a day full of back to back meetings with no time to do actual work or the executive presence needed to be seen and taken seriously by others.  As you transition out of this phase you will be armed with the knowledge of what you need to do to create change and you’ll be ready to take action.


Focus On Long Term Success

With a realistic plan in place, we will introduce customized exercises, techniques, and other relevant resources to help you pursue your goals. We’ll lock-in your new habits and build long-term strategies for success. Just imagine, Instead of working late and missing your workout at the gym… again, you will know how to set boundaries and navigate interpersonal relationships so that you continue to kick-butt in your career without sacrificing your personal well-being.

What's In It For You

  • Have a clarity on where you want to go and how to get there. No more feeling stuck or overwhelmed and wishing your could just get started.

  • Say good-bye to the excuses, imposter syndrome, and limiting beliefs that have prevented you from evolving your career.

  • Be armed with actionable next steps so instead of feeling like you are constantly busy but never actually accomplishing what you want to, you know how to focus your efforts where they will have the most impact toward accomplishing your goals.

Schedule your free discovery call and stop feeling stuck and start regaining control of your professional life. Imagine the possibilities!

Dusty H.

I needed some guidance dealing with burnout in my career, and Mary was very good at gently helping me delve into some causes and then also some solutions. What I liked the best was that she was able, through her questions, to lead me to discover these reasons and solutions on my own rather than telling me what they might be. I found this much more effective and impactful. Overall, I would say that this was an excellent experience.
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